One of the most effective methods of restaurant upselling is to offer customizable options. Many grocery stores use this strategy to sell additional items. However, it can also work for restaurants in more formal settings. For example, juice bars can place a small acai bowl at the register, and gastro-pubs can place waitstaff outside the entrance with sample tapas. By offering these choices, customers can see the benefits of enhancing their purchases.
Upselling at a restaurant is not a good idea every time. It can go wrong if the customer is not in the mood or if the waitress or waiter is insistent. In such a situation, the customer should be allowed to make his own choice and not be pressured to buy the next item. In addition, if the customer is irritated with the waiter’s persistent upsell, they might leave the restaurant and never come back again. In such a case, it is better to be loyal to customers than to try to upsell them.
Upselling at a restaurant can only be effective if the right time is right. If a customer sits at a table and is not yet looking at the menu, offer him a drink or an appetizer. Then, offer them dessert or coffee after they’ve finished their meal. The earlier you offer upselling options, the better, because the chances of the customer saying yes are higher. Moreover, when the customer isn’t looking at the menu, he will be more inclined to accept your recommendations.
Another effective method of restaurant upselling is to offer incentives for front-of-house staff. Employees can be motivated with incentives, such as a competition between servers and front-of-house staff. In such a situation, the competition can be between fine-dining establishments and casual eateries. For instance, a new product launch can be the focus of the competition, and the person who gets the most orders will be awarded with a prize at the end of the competition period.
While popular menu items can be up-sold, there are other more effective upsells. For example, drinks and appetizers are less likely to sell themselves, while specials and desserts can be up-sold. If the menu includes specific suggestions, staff members should make these suggestions. However, remember that they must also be careful about the timing. An appetizer or dessert may be inappropriate for a lunch crowd. So, take some shots to increase your upsell rates.
Another method of restaurant upselling is to offer a loyalty program. Many customers prefer rewards programs that offer higher value for their meals. In addition to the standard loyalty program, servers can also offer suggestions for higher-value items. Online ordering systems can even be designed to incorporate rewards points, where customers can earn points for specific items. This strategy can boost profit margins and increase the number of repeat customers. In addition, it encourages staff members to upsell to their customers, which will lead to higher tip levels and larger checks.